Thursday 23 June 2011

Music Review

Lady Gaga- Born This Way. **** 4/5

Lady Gaga, the name you hear frequently in conversations, on radio stations, and on television talk shows. This reletively new artist began her fame and creativity in 2008 with her album The Fame. Many hit singles were found on this album, such as Just Dance, Poker Face and Paparazzi. These three songs have meaningless lyrics and weak or no messages at all. They are therefore the typical pop song, making her album come across as a joke with no different or unique qualities. However, Gaga's new album managed to create songs with intriguing messages as well as a catchy beat.

 Her relatively new hit single "Born This Way", released on March 23rd, 2011, has lyrics that have struck much controversy within people, but has a very powerful message. Usually when you listen to a song, the message is carefully hidden beneath the lyrics. This wasn't the case for Gaga, her message was clearly voiced to the public. Having her lyrics so personal, yet so open, many people's attention was captured throughout the world. Although her message is so open, she still leavs some of her lyrics to be interperated how you please. Through the song she says "it doesnt matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M", many people have looked at these lyrics as Gaga is referring to God when she says "H-I-M", others however, see it as god has no gender, and therefore this could not be about god. Some people have considered this song innapropriate since The Bible states that gays and lesbians should not be. But many others have interporated it as a great message about loving someone for who they are.

Born This Way has an extremely powerful message about accepting other for who they are, loving yourself, and loving others for what they are on the inside. This song lets people know its ok to be who they are and that being different is not wrong. Hopefully many of Gaga's fans will pick up on this message and the world can become less of a judgemental society.

Did Avatar Deserve to Win Best Picture?

During the 82nd annual academy awards show, The Hurt Locker was awarded Best Picture. Recieving this title over the movie Avatar sparked much debate amongst people. Many people believe that Avatar was "robbed" when it didnt win Best Picture, and I agree. The Hurt Locker earned $49,230,772 in gross revenue, where as Avatar earned $2,782,275,172. Avatar was clearly the more popular choice of the two.

 Avatar was one of the most revolutionary of its kind. The great amounts of detail and effort that were put into it were extraordinary and the graphics were better than any other movie at that time in history. Whereas the basic idea behind The Hurt Locker was extremely unoriginal. It was just another movie about war. Avatar on the other hand managed to capture the attention of such a large audience by creating a new species of human as well as an entire new planet with gorgeous landscapes and scenery. Thirdly, Avatar portrayed humans as the enemy or attacker instead of the "good guys" who save the world, and the few humans who were actually there to help the Navi people, were eventually killed off. Avatar added that unexpected twist. On top of being extremely creative and technologically advanced Avatar managed to have a romantic element throughout the storyline. It's tragic, moving and full of emotion.

Avatar deserved to win Best Picture because of it's extremely talented use of technology, its unexpected storyline, and the sincere and touching romantic element.